The COVID-19 pandemic is a pivotal moment for the future of healthcare. While vaccination programmes continue to scale up worldwide and we cautiously move from crisis response towards recovery and reform, this is a critical moment to reimagine healthcare and build resilience in our health systems. New diagnostics and technology have underpinned the importance of research, development, and innovation to develop Covid-19 vaccines.
In less than two years, EU health policy developments have advanced considerably due to efforts to build a robust European Health Union. The new Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe, the new Industrial Strategy, Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and the EU4Health programme seek to address existing challenges, prepare for future pandemics, build healthy economies, and ensure resilience whilst facilitating continued innovation.
Recently, I had the opportunity to work with the European Health Parliament (EHP). If you have not heard about it, EHP is a unique multidisciplinary learning initiative that brings together Europe’s next generation of health leaders. Each year 60 young participants come together to develop innovative and disruptive perspectives to confront the most urgent health issues facing societies today.
Now heading towards its 7th edition, as the global pandemic has heightened awareness of the challenge of meeting healthcare needs amongst the public; more than before, the opportunity exists for young health leaders to contribute to the healthcare debate actively.
This year’s cohort worked together in an entirely virtual setting to devise a series of policy recommendations that reflect the number of paradigm-shifting transformations expedited by the pandemic. Focusing on telemedicine and patient-centred care, European health data cooperation, resilient supply chains, the green transition, and healthy economies, these recommendations highlight the inextricable link between healthy societies and functioning economies.
Launched in 2014, the EHP is supported by its founding partner Johnson & Johnson and the College of Europe, European Patients’ Forum, Euronews, Mavence, Porter Novelli, and young MEPs (EU40), and the Young European Leadership.
It has been a privilege to have the opportunity to support this passionate and enthusiastic group of young professionals in their advocacy efforts to shape a European Health Union.